Siarter Iaith / Welsh Charter


Nod y Siarter Iaith yw arwain at gynnydd yn nefydd cymdeithasol plant o’r Gymraeg.

I ysbrydoli ein plant i ddefnyddio’u Cymraeg ym mhob agwedd o’u bywydau.

Mae’r Siarter Iaith yn gofyn am gyfranogiad gan bob aelod o’r ysgol: y Cyngor Ysgol, y disgyblion, y gweithlu, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach er mwyn sicrhau perchnogaeth lawn ohoni.

Dwy iaith, dwywaith y dewis!


The objective of the Language Charter is to provide a clear framework, which can be used to promote and increase the use of Welsh by children in a social context.

To encourage and inspire our children to use Welsh in all aspects of their lives.

The Language Charter exhorts participation from every member of the school community: the school council, the pupils, the workforce, parents, governors and the wider community are all encouraged to take full ownership of it.

Two languages, twice the choice!

Defnyddia dy Gymraeg / Use your Welsh  PDF

Welsh Cymraeg

Gwefan Siarter Iaith Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Cefnogi fy mhlentyn – English (