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Blaenoriaethau’r Ysgol 2023-2026 / School Priorities 2023-2026

Prif amcanion yr ysgol eleni bydd:

Targed 1: Datblygu dealltwriaeth gytun o gynnydd ar draws yr ysgol.

Targed 2: Parhau i sicrhau bod disgyblion ag ADY yn gwneud cynnydd effeithiol.

Targed 3: Parhau i godi safonau mewn darllen Cymraeg a Saesneg, gyda’r ffocws penodol ar fwynhad, cywirdeb, rhuglder a dealltwriaeth.

Targed 4: Parhau i ddatblygu sgiliau llafar disgyblion, gyda’r ffocws penodol ar gywirdeb, er mwyn creu dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, hyderus a galluog, sy’n gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mewn gwahanol ffurfiau a lleoliadau, gan gynnwys cymryd rhan mewn perfformiadau.

Targed 5: Gwella presenoldeb disgyblion.

School Development Plan 2023 – 2026

Target 1: Develop an agreed understanding of progress across the school.

Target 2: Continue to ensure pupils with ALN make effective progress.

Target 3: Continue to raise standards in Welsh and English reading, with focus on enjoyment, accuracy, fluency and understanding.

Target 4: Continue to develop pupils’ oral skills, with the specific focus on accuracy, in order to create ambitious, confident and capable learners, who can communicate effectively in different forms and settings, including taking part in performances.

Target 5: Improve pupil attendance.