Gwersi Offerynnol / Instrumental Lessons

Mae athrawes offerynnol teithiol yn ymweld â’r ysgol yn wythnosol er mwyn darparu gwersi pres.  Gall plant gwneud cais am wersi offerynnol o Flwyddyn 3 ymlaen, a’r athrawes arbenigol sy’n gyfrifol am ddewis y plant i dderbyn gwersi yn ôl canllawiau penodedig.  Os na fydd plentyn yn cael ei ddewis, gall ef/hi ymgeisio eto’r flwyddyn ganlynol.

Fel rheol, gall disgyblion ddysgu chwarae un offeryn yn unig, serch hynny ystyrir ehangu’r ddarpariaeth i ddau offeryn, ond nid mwy,  ar gyfer disgyblion sy’n dalentog iawn yn gerddorol.  Gofynnir am gyfraniad o £5.00 yr wythnos neu daliad tymor cyn ddechrau’r gwersi.

An instrumental teacher visits the school weekly to provide brass lessons. Children can apply for instrumental lessons from Year 3 onwards, and the specialist teacher is responsible for choosing the children to receive lessons according to specified guidelines. If a child is not selected, he/she can apply again the following year.

As a rule, pupils can only learn to play one instrument, however it is considered to expand the provision to two instruments, but not more, for pupils who are very musically talented. A contribution of £5.00 per week or term payment is requested before the start of the lessons.