Month: September 2020

Clwb Brecwast / Breakfast Club

Bydd Clwb Brecwast yn dechrau ar ddydd Llun, Medi 14eg am 8:10am. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi roi gwybod i ni os ydych am anfon eich plentyn i’r clwb. Bydd pob plentyn yn bwyta yn y neuadd ac byddwn yn eu cadw o fewn eu “swigod” dosbarth. Bydd staff yn rhoi eu bwyd iddynt ac bydd rhaid iddynt aros yn eu seddi trwy gydol yr amser, oni bai am fynd i’r toiled. Mae hyn er mwyn diogelu iechyd pawb o fewn cymuned yr ysgol.


Breakfast Club will start back on Monday 14th September. Please let us know as soon as possible if you want your child to attend. All children will eat their breakfast in the hall and we will keep them within their classroom “bubbles.” Staff will hand their breakfast directly to them and they will have to remain in their seats for the duration of Breakfast Club, unless they need to go to the toilet. This is for everyone’s safety within the school community.